The main water line to your home was installed in 1 of 3 (or a combination) of the most common materials (though there are also others). Copper, Galvanized, and PVC. Regardless of the type of pipe used, over time, they WILL eventually leak. When that day comes, CHS is ready to assist you with the best solutions for your needs.
Sludge and sediment and mineral build up.
This can limit the amount of water you get to your home. Showers that heat up slowly may not be the fault of the water heater but rather your pipes. If you happen to notice low water flow out of your faucets and shower heads…You may have a main line plugged up.
Most common types of pipes
Schedule 80 PVC main water lines tend to crack due to cold ground conditions or the ground has settled over time.
Age and corrosion take their toll on ANY main water line to the home.
Corrosion can begin right at the home water meter.
Repairs or replacement
Pressure reducing valve replacement tends to be the most common of main line water faults. CHS is fully prepared to make the required repairs.
Less fun is “in the ground water leaks” These type of leaks are easily discovered when you have puddles in the yard that NEVER seem to dry out and your water bills get too high.